Interactive Beekeeping Zoom Forums:
- Saturdays (10:30am to12:00 pm AEDT)
- The 11th January Forum has now occurred.
- Recordings of its presentations will soon be available to members on the Club's YouTube channel.
Zoom Evening Meetings (7:30 to 9:00 pm AEST)
- Tuesday 21st January Monthly Meeting
- “Bee Health and the Antimicrobial Activity of Hive Products" presented by Kenya Fernandes, Research Fellow at the University of Sydney.
- "Beeswax" presented by Barry Cooper.
These presentations will be recorded and made available to members on the Club's YouTube channel.
- Tuesday 15th October Monthly Meeting (7:30 to 9:00pm)
- "The Bee Biome" by Bob Owen, author of the "Australian Beekeeping Manuel".
- Assessing the spread of Varroa mite in Australia: Lessons from New Zealand by Jay Iwasaki, Biosciences School, University of Melbourne
- These presentations have now been delivered and their recordings and are now available to members on the Club's YouTubeTube channel.
- In-Person Events:
- 20th November (6:45 to 9:15pm) at a Community Hotel
- New Zealand Honeydew Honey by Sarsha Manuel. Recording now available to members on the Club's YouTube channel.
- Local honey production by Viv and George Fox.
- Two-queen swarm control by Peter Lewis.