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  • The Melbourne Beekeepers Club provides fellowship and beekeeping support to beekeepers in urban and rural areas
  • We deliver beekeeping education, encourage best beekeeping practice and emphasise biosecurity.
  • Club membership gives you access to all our meetings, events and training, recordings from our Zoom meetings and beekeeping resources.
  • Membership is only available to persons 18 years of age and over.


Interactive Beekeeping Zoom Forums:

  • Saturdays  (10:30am to12:00 pm AEST)
  • 10th August

Zoom Evening Meetings (7:30 to 9:00 pm AEST) 

  • Tuesday 18th June, Presentations from the Monash University Integrative Cognition, Ecology and Bio-inspiration (ICEB) Research Group (ICEB). 
    • Do we know what's on a bee's mind? How we study the behaviour and intelligence of native and introduced bees." by Dr Scarlet Howard, ICEB group leader. 
    • "Does number matter for honeybees?" by Eleana Kerjean PhD candidate from France.
    • "Impacts of pesticides on bee health" by Dr Veronica Iriart.
    • These presentations have now been delivered.
  • Tuesday 16th July 
    • "The History of Varroa in New Zealand" by Frank Lindsay.
    • "The Science of Formic Acid in Honey Bee Hives" by Heather Broccard-Bell from NOD Apiary Products Canada.
    • These presentations have now been delivered.
    • Tuesday 20th August: 
    • City Buzz vs. Suburban Serenity: The Impact of Urbanisation on the Behaviour of Native Bees and Hoverflies " by Aislinn Primmer from the Integrative Cognition, Ecology and Bio-inspiration (ICEB) Research Group at Monash University Melbourne.


      We assist our members to prepare for varroa by

      • Communicating advice from Australian authorities about how to best deal with varroa.
      • Liaising with beekeepers in the US and New Zealand who have successfully dealt with varroa over many years.
      • Conducting interactive Zoom meetings with these beekeepers. 
      • Conducting in-person meetings to learn from experienced Australian beekeepers about how they plan to deal with varroa.
      • Providing an extensive library of YouTube presentations about beekeeping practices, including how to deal with varroa.
      • Promoting continuous testing for varroa, including the use of drone frames.
      • Demonstrating varroa-relevant practical activities at hives.
      • Encouraging re-queening using queens from hygienic lines of bees.
      • Through our Zoom meetings, members have direct contact with experienced beekeepers in Maryland (US) and in New Zealand who have successfully managed with varroa for many years.
      • Encourage the use of robbing screens to restrict the entry of foreign drones to a hive.
      • Support the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) by contributing to its "Friends of AHBIC" program.

      Copyright 2020-24 Melbourne Beekeepers Club Inc

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